How to Get the Right Xerox for Your Business

two people shaking hands

When you are ready to purchase a new copy machine, it shouldn't be too difficult. You know you want a reliable brand like Xerox, you want to work with a well-respected vendor partner like Hilyard's Business Solutions, and you are interested in upgrading your office workflows with a new copier or laser printer.

Just knowing those facts can get you started in the right direction. But – there's more!

Key Questions to Ask

There are some critical questions to ask both internally and externally when you are looking for your copy machine.

Let's start with the internal questions.

It's a good idea to ask employees a few things about how they use the machine and what they think could be improved.

Start with:

  • How often do you use the copier?
  • Are there features that you think would increase productivity?
  • What technologies would you like to see?
  • What could be simplified in the machine?
  • Do we need more volume/speed/quality?

Then, turn to your external questions for the vendor.

Those will be along the lines of:

  • What type of service agreements do you have?
  • How to you provide maintenance?
  • What is the warranty?
  • How do you support your sales?

Features to Look for

Then, you'll want to combine the answers you receive into what you are looking for. Your vendor can help guide you with this as well. You'll want to understand features, technology, speed, price, and other functions that you're looking for in your Xerox machine.

Reliable Teams to Work With

It's time to reach out to get started with purchasing your Xerox. The team at Hilyard's Business Solutions is here to help – let's talk today.