Improve Your Printer Security with Xerox

Printer Security

The use of printers in the office is universal, but security threats are now just as common. With so many cyber threats out there, it's essential always to have a layer of security to protect what your employees send to and from various office machines. Xerox printers give you extra security measures that can keep your company safer from data theft and other threats.

Security From the Source

Using the office printer is now one of the riskier ways to send data because so few people know that these data streams can be interrupted. To keep those data streams protected from outside eyes, Xerox printers use several controls to keep only the intended software from the network. This is a security measure that prevents malware from being installed into your computer network through the Xerox printers. This is a vital part of network security in today's world of cyber threats.

Encrypted Streams

When a stream of data is sent between a printer and any other office machine, it is vulnerable to being stolen and used by thieves if it is not encrypted. Xerox printers use encryption for every part of the data stream so that it is protected from start to end. This keeps thieves from seeing what was in the data stream, even if they manage to see any part of it. The coding keeps the data safe and out of the wrong hands.

Security for Hard Copies

The data streams must be kept secure, but the end result of printer use, the physical document, must also be secure. Xerox printers keep data safely inside and away from anyone who might look at the pages. Each printed document is released outside the printer only after the intended employee retrieves it with an RFID chip. This state-of-the-art layer of security allows items to be printed in the middle of the office and to remain still private. 


If you need printers in your network that will keep your data as secure as possible, contact us to find out about the latest Xerox printers on the market.