Our document management system (DMS) gives you the ability to handle large, complex flows of information quickly and efficiently – whether storing new, inward-bound information for quick and easy access or indexing your company’s historic records for convenient and on-demand retrieval. Your customized DMS allows your staff the speed and access to information that your company needs to be competitive – from any location or device that has access to the internet. Access your records and documents when you need them, where you need them, according to an indexing system that makes sense for you.
Consider efficiency. How much time do your employees spend searching for documents, or reproducing lost or misfiled documents? Are you able to respond quickly and accurately to customer inquiries? Do you spend time and money shipping documents from one location to another or even moving documents from one floor to another? And how much valuable space is being consumed by your filing cabinets?

With your customized DMS in place, expect results.
Improved Customer Service – Reduced response times, a more professional response, and a more accurate response with more controlled processes reduces the time spent on ‘manually’ ensuring customer satisfaction and allows staff to allocate resource to other core business activities.
Improved Internal Operation – The time saved provided by the tangible benefits improves the day-to-day operations of all functions within an organization, leading to an improved flow of information, an increased perception of staff in their ability to solve questions and tasks and a general ‘feel good’ factor.
Reduced Need for Space – The cost of commercial property and the need to store documentation for regulatory compliance means that paper-based document storage competes with people for space within an organization. Scanning documents and integrating them into a DMS greatly reduces the amount of prime storage space required by paper – and thus allows for smarter overall use of space.
Improved Flexible Storage – retrieve files by any word or phrase in the document – known as full text search – a capability that is impossible with paper or microfilm. A DMS can also apply single or multiple taxonomies or categorizations to a document or folder that allow documents to be classified and stored in more than one way from a single instance, something which is not possible with paper or microfilm.
Consider security.
- How safe are your documents?
- If your building sustained a fire, flood, or tornado, how long would it take to reproduce documents that were damaged or destroyed?
- Would you be able to reproduce them?
- Is your organization able to comply with the growing number of government regulations that require you to maintain copies of your documents for long periods of time?
- How can you ensure that these documents cannot be looked at by those who are not authorized to view them?
A customized document management solution from ABS provides flexible control and superior security for sensitive documents. Many DMS solutions allow access to documents to be controlled at the folder and/or document level for particular groups and individuals. Additionally, a DMS can provide an audit trail of who viewed an item, who modified an item and when files were accessed and removes the possibility of having confidential material or trade secrets in an unsecure or unattended office filing system.
With document management your records are always safe and available.
Disaster Recovery – A DMS provides an easy way to back up documents for offsite storage and disaster recovery providing failsafe archives and an effective disaster recovery strategy. Paper records are more expensive to keep and vulnerable to fire, flood, vandalism, theft and other ‘acts of God’.
No Misplaced Documents – Lost documents can be expensive and time-consuming to replace. Within a DMS, imaged documents remain centrally stored when being viewed, so none are lost or misplaced. New documents are less likely to be incorrectly filed and even if incorrectly stored can be quickly and easily found and moved via the full-text searching capabiliites.
Digital Archiving – Archiving digitized documents via your custom document management system helps you protect paper documents from over-handling and keeps electronic documents in a non-proprietary and native format, such as Microsoft Word or Excel.
Improved HIPAA Compliance – The risk of non conformance leading to fines, a withdrawn license to operate, or in certain circumstances, custodial sentences, when an audit takes place, is reduced and, in most cases, removed. A combination of security control, audit trails, archiving and disaster recovery ensure that an organization is able to authenticate the validity of information stored and demonstrate compliance with regulations and requirements.