VoIP vs. Traditional Phone Systems

business person picking up business phone to make a call

If it's time to upgrade your phone systems, you may be doing research--and you've likely run into the term "Voice over Internet Protocol" or VoIP. Here's what that means and how it compares to more familiar phone systems!

Comparing Phone Systems

VoIP phone systems aren't that much different from traditional offerings. However, they have a few key benefits that other systems don't have--and that's why it's so important to know what you're getting into before you make any final decisions.

Let's compare:

Traditional Phone Systems

The phone systems you've likely used for most of your life are based on a network of copper wires. These wires route calls--which means most of your communication relies exclusively on hardware and physical setups. This includes the phones themselves, but don't forget about all the other parts of the system that may need maintenance or repairs over time.

It's also important to note that, because of this physical setup, traditional phone systems are somewhat limited in scalability and flexibility. They also don't have as many features or upgrades because they aren't enabled by internet connections.

VoIP Phone Systems

VoIP phone systems, as the name implies, use the internet to route calls. This one little difference gives them all kinds of advantages over traditional offerings. For example, because they don't rely on physical wire networks, VoIP phone systems can use all of your favorite devices and span multiple locations with ease. They also have a variety of built-in features, including artificial intelligence and automation, that make it much easier to upgrade your communications approach.

Generally speaking, VoIP phone systems are more affordable. That's because they're easy to scale to fit your needs, they don't require pricey hardware, and they include advanced features without having to implement or layer a ton of other tools.


Are you looking for a phone system upgrade? Say goodbye to your traditional setup and look into VoIP. It's not just about the flexibility and affordability; it's about the future of communication.

Contact us today to see how VoIP phone systems fit into your company's future!