When companies find their printing costs getting out of hand, getting managed print services is an effective solution. Any company that has employees using printers can benefit from services that reduce the amount of printing being done and the amount of waste left behind.
Monitoring Printer Usage
One of the ways that print costs are driven up is by employees using office printers far too often. Workers may print things for no real reason just in case a hard copy is needed later. They may use the printers to print personal documents to avoid paying for ink at home. And many times, they print items out of habit since they've always done so. Monitoring the printing lets you know right away whether any workers are misusing the printers and encourage them to cut down on their usage. This cuts down printing costs and eliminates unnecessary paper usage.
Ink Usage
When you think about waste from unnecessary printing, paper may be the only thing that comes to mind. However, the ink can be an even higher cost than the paper. Using vast amounts of ink is not only extremely costly, but many types of ink are not biodegradable. When there is less printing being done, there is also less need to buy more ink and fewer cartridges to throw away.
Ordering Just Enough
If your company buys supplies for the printer in large bulk, it can be a waste of both money and materials. It's common to stock plenty of ink on hand for whenever the printers run dry, but that ink expires. When too much is bought, your company runs the risk of the ink drying up before it can be used. Paper, over time, can warp and no longer fit the printer well, causing paper jams. With managed print services, the amount of supplies needed is monitored, and the right amount of those supplies is ordered and delivered. You won't end up with boxes and boxes of unusable materials.
If your company wants to cut down on office waste as well as to save money on printing costs, contact us today to find out more about our managed print services.